Monday, March 25, 2013

Chag Sameach!!!

Just a very quick post to say Chag Sameach to everyone. Been a little busy here - had to make Pesach from scratch and buy all new stuff, plus we have Avrom's brother and family from London staying with us for two weeks. So there's been a lot going on. It's been great fun so far, but there hasn't been much time available to write here. I'll fill everyone in on what we've been up to when I get some time.

Looking forward to next Pesach back in sunny Raanana, instead of sleety Teaneck!
Wishing you all a Chag Sameach!


  1. Chag sameach Gilberts!! Well done on making Pesach from scratch!!! Hope you've enjoyed double dose of yomtov.... Message to Eitan ... Dovs thinking of you the other day on יום גיבוש with Technologi ... And looking forward to sharing school again soon!! Love to you all from all the portnois xxx

  2. Agreed. Ur amazing. Chag sameach

  3. Have a great Yomtov. From the London (& New York) Goldsteina

  4. Goldsteins, not Goldsteina

  5. Hope you had a graet Chag! I tried skyping (not sure this is a word) before, but smth is wrong with my account. Pls send me you tel nr again I want to call you tonight!
